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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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RT Features
38 results
The Casting Couch: Indian cinema’s women are fighting sexual harassment and unequal pay
The Indian film world’s predators are getting their comeuppance thanks to a survivor’s persistence and the delayed results of an official probe
Sep 1, 2024 06:48
Unprecedented triumphs, tears of joy and grief: How 2023 saw the birth of a new superpower
From being the first nation to land on the Moon’s south pole to hosting a breakthrough G20 summit, New Delhi has scored many points this year – but has also had setbacks
Dec 30, 2023 13:51
This great Russian artist found peace in the Himalayas. Today, his home is surrounded by destruction and chaos
Nicholas Roerich found nirvana by building a house with a perfect view of the Himalayas, constructing it using age-old Himachali techniques. Despite the recent floods, it has literally stood the test of time
Sep 13, 2023 03:35
Putin on a show: Russian president hails women’s team sabre for ‘beautiful & convincing’ win after beating France to Olympic gold
President Vladimir Putin has congratulated the Russian sabre team after they stormed to gold at the Tokyo Olympics, while star Sofia Pozdniakova is celebrating moving halfway towards her illustrious father's gold medal haul.
Jul 31, 2021 17:28
Russian Dwarf Athletic Association criticizes viral sensations over ‘unethical’ MMA fight (VIDEO)
They’ve been catapulted to global viral fame in recent days but the purported MMA showdown between two diminutive protagonists in Russia has not gone down well with the country’s Dwarf Athletic Association.
May 19, 2021 17:49
‘I’m a pro at caressing the couch’: Russian tennis icon Maria Sharapova is hailed as an artist after revealing latest home designs
Tennis legend Maria Sharapova has continued her life beyond tennis by revealing that she has created her own range of high-end furniture, coming at the end of a week in which she offered "emotional" praise for healthcare workers.
Mar 28, 2021 11:50
Beauty queen cheerleader sues uni over drunk football fans who ‘treated her as a sex object’ by ‘groping her breasts and buttocks’
A cheerleader and beauty pageant contestant has reportedly filed a lawsuit against a university in the US, claiming that dancers at football games were "presented as sex objects" to "titillate" men who made advances towards them.
Jan 30, 2021 11:53
'Age issue will never be solved in women’s skating': Russian icon Slutskaya on young stars, quad fad & sensational coaching splits
Russian figure skating icon Irina Slustkaya, who dominated women’s events for years, has spoken up about a number of issues in the sport, including raising the age limit and sensational splits with coaches.
Aug 4, 2020 13:09
WATCH: FIFA’s Puskas goal of the year finalists – including Messi, free-kick stunner & overhead kick
FIFA has revealed its three finalists for the Puskas Goal of the Year award, featuring a delightful chip from Barcelona star Lionel Messi, a free-kick thunderbolt from South America, and an overhead kick from a teenage star.
Sep 2, 2019 13:51
8chan, incels, QAnon: 5 things on the internet DEMONIZED by MSM & what they REALLY are
Most people never visit the web’s thriving undergrowth, and the mainstream media exploits their ignorance to create Reefer Madness-style boogeymen out of niche subcultures, presenting them as petri dishes of far-right ideology.
Aug 6, 2019 16:48
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