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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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RT Features
12 results
Social media add to depression and FOMO – visionary entrepreneur
Feel that others are enjoying a better life and you are missing a trick? We all feel this way from time to time, and it turns out science has a name for it. We talk to venture capitalist and the man who coined the term ‘fear of missing...
Oct 1, 2021 06:34
We're feeding our hopes, dreams and desires into computer screens for likes – artist and innovator
Time is running out for us to handle the environmental disarray we've created. Artist, innovator and creative thinker, Daan Roosegaarde, is convinced there's a way out – we simply need to design it. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Mar 6, 2020 05:58
On Contact: Understanding socialism with Richard Wolff
Chris Hedges talks to economist Richard Wolff about his new book ‘Understanding Socialism’. Wolff explains how in the socialist dream, work is something that we should want to engage in, that means something to us, that brings us into...
Feb 9, 2020 07:26
I flew into orbit as a patriot of my country, and I came back as a citizen of the world – astronaut
Scientific discoveries and technological advances are moving us closer to the stars. But what does the future of space travel hold for us? We talked to Russian cosmonaut and biochemist Sergey Ryazansky. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Jan 17, 2020 07:50
Terrorist groups used artefacts uncovered in Syria and Iraq to fund their attacks – art detective
He knows how to hunt down a masterpiece that has been lost for decades, whether it’s decorating somebody’s backyard or hidden in the murky waters of the underground art world. We talked to the ‘Indiana Jones of Lost Art,’...
May 17, 2019 07:02
RT editor-in-chief’s exclusive interview with Skripal case suspects Petrov & Boshirov
RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan has spoken exclusively to the two men the UK named as suspects in the Skripal poisoning – Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. MARGARITA SIMONYAN: You called my cell phone, saying that you...
Sep 13, 2018 17:43
It takes one fool pressing a button to start nuclear war – ex-UN Disarmament Under-Sec
The North Korean issue is causing global concern and the US-Russian spat is paving way to yet another arms race. Is a world free of nuclear weapons a beautiful pipedream or an achievable target? We ask Jayantha Dhanapala, the former United Nations...
Jan 29, 2018 07:54
Congress needs an enemy, so Russia is painted as hobgoblin – former Reagan administration official
Donald Trump’s presidency has been marred by strong domestic resistance from all sides – with both Republicans and Democrats hampering White House efforts to restore ties with Russia. And it’s not just this – despite...
Sep 11, 2017 07:41
Nobel Prize-winning economist: Western financial aid is poisoning poor countries’ future
The World Bank president says there is a chance to eradicate poverty in just 15 years, but considering the state of the planet today, can one believe this? The gap between the rich and poor is growing every day, and even rich countries, such as the...
Jan 11, 2016 07:31
Children born to ISIL sex slaves are taken to be trained into murderers – Yazidi aid worker
While leaders of the global community are trying to figure out how to deal with the Islamic State terror group – often spending more time on political bickering between each other, or pursuing their own interests – the horrors in the...
Dec 4, 2015 08:50
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