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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
10 results
On Contact: Resistance & the left with Paul Street
Journalist Chris Hedges talks to author and political commentator Paul Street about the failure of the American left, new forms of resistance, democracy, and the deep roots of America’s ruling oligarchy. Please note: This interview was...
Nov 10, 2019 06:46
There will be no old people – anti-aging scientist
Is the Fountain of Youth still just a dream, or does hope spring eternal when it comes to beating the curse of aging? Having haunted us for centuries, is a solution finally within our grasp? We spoke to Dr Aubrey de Grey, anti-aging pioneer, chief...
Dec 24, 2018 07:46
Too hard to build future with unpredictable partners like US – ex-French PM
With Trump facing off with Europe over trade and diplomacy, the transatlantic unity of the West seems to be cracking. Can the row between the historic allies go further? We asked Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the former prime minister of France. Follow...
Jul 2, 2018 06:36
Framed & blamed? Ft. Hina Rabbani Khar, former foreign minister of Pakistan
Hina Rabbani Khar, former foreign minister of Pakistan The concept of geopolitics as the grand chessboard originated in Asia and it is also in Asia where that vision is unraveling most rapidly. The US still maintains a military foothold in...
Mar 4, 2018 07:19
Smart grid networks will make centralized power plants obsolete – Renewable Energy Agency chief
A world dependent on oil, gas, and coal is becoming a thing of the past – with renewable energy technology becoming cheaper and more widespread every year. But is solar and wind power as reliable as it is clean? Adnan Amin, the director...
May 29, 2017 09:35
People are not willing to lose identity in exchange for globalisation - Nassim Taleb
The world is fragile. A wave of violence has engulfed the Middle East, with the aftershocks threatening the entire globe. Millions of people are fleeing bloodshed, with a wave of refugees now risking their lives to shake the foundations of Europe....
Feb 3, 2017 08:25
Greek Parl't Speaker: EU hypocritical to force austerity on Greece, ignore own refugee rulings
Greece is once again at odds with its Eurozone lenders, after Athens’ decision to hand out Christmas bonuses to its people caused Brussels to scrap short term debt relief measures. European creditors demand more austerity, while public anger...
Dec 23, 2016 09:04
UK gov’t has no clue what to do after Brexit – Sinn Fein chairman
When the Britain voted to leave the European Union, not all supported the decision. The majority in Northern Ireland doesn’t want to part ways with the EU, but the ‘Leave’ decision is going to be imposed on the whole of the UK....
Oct 10, 2016 06:32
JP Morgan's Regulatory Arbitrage of turning Financial Loss into Political Profit
Welcome to Capital Account. Bloomberg reports investors are worried JP Morgan is planning to pull back in the European mortgage bond market in the wake of the CIO disaster, causing significant volatility. JP Morgan is the biggest buyer of European...
May 22, 2012 00:30
The Alyona Show: Reassessing Network News
The US capital starting taking applications for same sex marriages on March 3. It’s a monumental day for both gay rights and Washington D.C. One of the unique aspects of the battle in D.C., unlike in other states that have legalized gay...
Mar 3, 2010 18:00
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