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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
25 results
Climate-caused migration will overwhelm the planet – sci-fi author
Sci-fi has always been about taking a peek into the future. But the fantasy scripts being conjured up today are more about nightmares than dreams. So, why do we paint such a dark future for ourselves? Or is the fear justified? We talked about this...
Nov 19, 2021 06:59
John Romero: Video games are the ultimate art
As the virtual world increasingly becomes as vivid as the real one, the video games industry is poised to transform entertainment, education and social relations. We talk about this with legendary game designer and programmer, John Romero....
Sep 10, 2021 08:04
On Contact: Daniel Hale, whistleblower
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the prosecution and sentencing of former intelligence analyst, Daniel Hale, with his lawyer Jesselyn Radack. Daniel Hale, a former intelligence analyst in the drone program for the Air Force, who as a...
Jul 30, 2021 08:26
Nassim Taleb: Covid-19 brought socialism to America
The Covid-19 pandemic came as an external shock, almost unprecedented. How can we navigate the uncertainty of the post-pandemic future? We talked to the author of bestselling books ‘The Black Swan’, ‘Antifragile’, and...
Aug 7, 2020 06:37
We’re living in a computer simulation – philosopher
With technology evolving at cosmic speeds and artificial super-intelligence no longer just a Hollywood dream, is humanity’s path ahead a dangerous one? And will our lives still be real? We talked about this with one of the most acclaimed...
Dec 13, 2019 07:01
Aston Villa vs West Ham United. Matchday blog (RAW EPL e5)
The mad RAW EPL tour across England continues at Villa Park in Birmingham – where the freshly-promoted Aston Villa hosted West Ham United. Villa - a great club with an illustrious history and which has only just returned to the top flight...
Sep 20, 2019 11:00
Christian Karembeu: No gentlemen in football when World Cup is at stake
The 2018 World Cup is in full swing, hordes of fans are lighting up the streets of Russia – but what does the World Cup mean to the players who are working wonders on the pitch? We talked about this with World Cup and Euros winner Christian...
Jun 29, 2018 07:37
Football beyond politics; shame that some politicians don’t get that - Russia 2018 WC Chief
As the 2018 World Cup kickoff is getting closer, Russian cities are going through last-minute adjustments and checkups, making sure everything is up to the level of the biggest sporting event in the world. Is everything checked on the Russian World...
May 14, 2018 07:01
World Cup Fever
Explore Russia’s 2018 World Cup venues with football nuts Diego, Mukha, and Vitaly. In the run-up to the 2018 FIFA World Cup, three football-loving friends go on a journey across Russia to visit the 11 cities that will host the games. Diego...
Mar 17, 2018 06:55
Arab Spring turned dictatorships into failed states, not democracies – Muslim feminist leader
Years ago, before the wave of Arab Spring revolutions hit the Middle East, there was much hope for women’s emancipation in Islam. But after years of war and conflict, the radical, puritanical views on Islam have prevailed. Outdated family...
Jul 24, 2017 07:32
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