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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Another Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian strike
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15 results
On Contact: Economic disobedience and debt abolition
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discuss economic disobedience and debt refusal with Thomas Gokey from Debt Collective. Most people in the United States are burdened by staggering amounts of debt. They accrue mounting debt because they are forced...
Jul 23, 2021 08:53
Internet access for schoolchildren should be considered a human right – KidZania education chief
The world has changed, and the ways we communicate, work and learn have altered. How will the Covid-19 pandemic reshape this generation and define the next? We spoke with Professor Ger Graus, Global Director of Education at KidZania and Honorary...
Jun 26, 2020 06:13
Anti-climactic end to Mueller Report, poll tax in Florida, & Sanctuary Cities for guns
At the top of the show this week, Lee responds to the anti-climactic delivery of the Mueller Report. While mainstream journalists spent the last two years talking about Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election as a fact, Lee and a few other...
Mar 30, 2019 07:37
RT News - August 24, 2018 (17:00 MSK)
Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen - who is accusing the American president of election finance violations - launches a crowd-funding campaign to pay his legal fees. The US Democratic Party cries foul over another suspected hack - but the...
Aug 24, 2018 14:53
Football star: My first 5 years were constant struggle & defeats
In the world of football, Carles Puyol is a legend. One of the best defenders in the history of the game, he led the Barcelona team to tremendous success. During his fifteen-year career, he participated in hundreds of games and won dozens of major...
Jan 2, 2017 10:06
Formula 1 technology is used in cars & aircraft industry - F1 head
Formula One drivers come and go, technology advances, new champions emerge - and all for several decades Bernie Ecclestone has been steering the course of one of the fastest sports in the world. Under his lead, F1 left the boundaries of Europe,...
Aug 1, 2016 07:11
Illegal arms plaguing Europe, easy for wannabe terrorists to buy gun – Italian Carabinieri veteran
Europe, along with the rest of the world, is suffering from a growing threat from terrorism. Citizens are forced to sacrifice their own liberties as governments invest millions in reinforcing security. But the peril of Jihadism is being exploited by...
Jul 18, 2016 07:11
Russian sports minister: Global sports decision-makers pressured by media’s anti-Russian bias
The world of sports is shaken by one doping scandal after another as dozens of Russian and international athletes are testing positive for meldonium - a drug banned recently by the World’s anti-doping agency. The decision to prohibit meldonium...
Mar 28, 2016 06:41
Interro-Gate? Ft. Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture (2004-2010)
The US Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the use of torture in the post 9/11 period shocked the world and dealt a serious blow to America's moral authority. Is torture ever justified, and will its perpetrators be brought to justice?...
Dec 14, 2014 06:19
CA’s prison revolution, forcing inmates into debt & Norway’s jail utopia
Abby Martin with a variety of stories related to the prison industrial complex, starting with the decision by California voters to drastically reform the state’s sentencing guidelines, resulting in the release of at least 10,000 prisoners....
Nov 11, 2014 07:42
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