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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
43 results
We’re parasites like viruses – biochemist
For ages, we've been trying to trace the origins of life on Earth. How did a barren rock turn into something as flourishing, beautiful, and abundant as we know it? We asked Nick Lane, professor of evolutionary biochemistry at University College...
Dec 3, 2021 08:21
Robots can’t replace surgeons – heart surgeon
Technology promises to stave off old age, as scientists work to increase the durability of our organs, including the most vital – the heart. What’s changing? And what does the future hold for healthcare in general? World-renowned heart...
Oct 15, 2021 06:03
Alan Moore: Death is a perspective illusion of the third dimension
It’s thanks to Alan Moore that comics have ceased to be just funny books with pictures – and instead have become a distinct genre with its own philosophy and culture. The legendary graphic novelist, writer and performer shares his...
Oct 8, 2021 05:20
Traditional artists to embrace NFT: digital graphic designer Beeple
Digital art is rapidly grabbing the attention of not only tech enthusiasts but also venerable auction houses. Is the crypto art craze a bubble hyped by the pandemic, or is it the real deal and here to stay? We talk to one of the top-three...
Sep 24, 2021 06:02
On Contact: Inverted totalitarianism
Chris Hedges discusses the work of political philosopher Sheldon Wolin with Professor Wendy Brown, University of California, Berkeley, a student of Wolin’s. Wolin, who died in 2015, is our most important contemporary political theorist, one...
Sep 12, 2021 06:15
On Contact: Virus
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the coronavirus with investigative journalist and author, Nina Burleigh. “There are many ways to begin to tell the story of why more Americans died of Covid-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2,...
Jun 20, 2021 06:52
Conspiracies today are like spirits in ancient times – conspiracy researcher
When uncertainty becomes our daily routine, when there are no answers to mounting questions, we tend to search in the most unusual places. Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? We asked Dr. Michael Shermer, psychologist, historian of science...
Jun 11, 2021 06:42
Our mental state hinges on gut microbes – epidemiologist
Food is our primary source of energy, growth, and health – but not always. We figure out the rights and wrongs about food with Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and best-selling author. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
May 14, 2021 06:07
The theory of everything is a fabrication – natural philosopher
What makes us, as humans, so peculiar? And why do we seek answers to the toughest questions? We asked Marcelo Gleiser, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, philosopher, and author of ‘The Island of Knowledge’....
Jan 29, 2021 06:55
On Contact: Chevron vs. Donziger
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Steven Donziger about the reach of corporate power. Donziger battled corporate oil giant Chevron over environmental pollution and destruction in Ecuador and won a settlement of $9.5 billion for indigenous...
Sep 6, 2020 09:21
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