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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
10 results
On Contact: CIA search for mind control with Stephen Kinzer
Chris Hedges talks to author Stephen Kinzer about the CIA’s quest for mind control through its experiments with drugs and torture during the 1950s and 1960s, both domestically and internationally. Kinzer’s new book is titled...
Nov 17, 2019 06:51
Luck doesn’t exist – psychologist
Hoping, fantasizing, believing – all seemingly natural things for humans. But can we choose what we believe and why we believe in the first place? We asked Michael Shermer, a psychologist, science writer and founder of the Skeptic magazine....
Nov 1, 2019 06:58
No rules count for those willing to bring Russia down – Kremlin spokesperson
Vladimir Putin has won the Russian vote and is about to embark on his second consecutive term as the Russian President. What lies ahead for Russia and the world now? That question is put to the official spokesman of the Russian President, Dmitry...
Mar 23, 2018 06:18
Attempts to redraw borders just push Middle East back 100 years – ex-head of Arab League
The West once hailed the Arab Spring as the “will of the people,” but instead of shaping the Middle East for the better, the region is now drowning in wars and bloodshed. The issue has gotten out of control, with world powers getting...
Mar 3, 2017 08:36
US intel agencies deliberately sank Flynn, don’t care about national security – ex-CIA officer
There’s a war in Washington – Donald Trump is facing a conflict not just with the media, but also with his own intelligence community. Now that the military lobby is infiltrating positions of power, and as the CIA struggles to get its...
Feb 27, 2017 07:33
Greek Parl't Speaker: EU hypocritical to force austerity on Greece, ignore own refugee rulings
Greece is once again at odds with its Eurozone lenders, after Athens’ decision to hand out Christmas bonuses to its people caused Brussels to scrap short term debt relief measures. European creditors demand more austerity, while public anger...
Dec 23, 2016 09:04
Returning to gold standard a disaster to humble even Great Depression – snr. economist
The global economy has lurched from boom to bust and back again in the last few years, but beneath the turmoil the balance is shifting. With an emerging Chinese economic giant, will be dollar as strong as it is now? Could the yuan become a viable...
Aug 24, 2015 07:04
Americans have to die on battlefield to destroy ISIS - US military strategist
Islamic State is a threat that puts the whole world in danger - and questions arise as to how peril of such a scale ever came to exist. Now, the US and its allies are trying to put an end to this entity, but are the airstrikes really...
Feb 16, 2015 07:23
‘America's ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria formed mostly from criminal gangs’
What is the life of a Syrian rebel like? For those watching the events unfolding in Syria, it’s hard to tell who’s who; America claims it has some moderate rebels to support - but are there many of them? Who are these people fighting...
Oct 17, 2014 07:22
Non-nuclear energy failed Fukushima – nuclear energy expert
Events at Fukushima should not be called a nuclear disaster, says John Ritch, Director General of the World Nuclear Association. He explains to RT why he thinks nuclear energy is still one of the safest sources of power – and getting safer.The...
Jun 28, 2011 00:09
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