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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
19 results
On Contact: Business secrets of drug dealers
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the business secrets of drug-dealing with investigative journalist Matt Taibbi. No one knows exactly how big the underground or illegal economy is in the United States, but most estimates say it's huge, 11%, maybe...
Nov 21, 2021 06:19
On Contact: American coup d’état (Part 1)
On the show this week, the first of a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses the American coup d’état with former Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Dennis Kucinich served as a US representative from Ohio from 1997 to 2013, losing...
Aug 8, 2021 06:57
On Contact: ‘Except for Palestine’
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses why American liberals refuse to speak out about the crimes the Israeli apartheid state carries out against the Palestinians, with political analyst and author Mitchell Plitnick. Mitchell Plitnick's new...
May 23, 2021 06:37
AI won't get smarter than humans in at least another 1000 yrs - technology futurist
The era of superintelligence may be just round the corner, raising fears that we could one day end up being the pets of our super-smart robots. What can we do to avoid it? We talked to Pablos Holman, inventor, hacker and technology futurist....
Dec 27, 2019 07:16
UK media paints false image of Russian fans to sell papers – ex-hooligan Cass Pennant
The FIFA Confederations Cup is kicking off in Russia, as it prepares for an even bigger football celebration next year – the Word Cup. Fans from across the globe are heading to Russian cities, but with them comes the threat of hooliganism....
Jun 16, 2017 08:54
Our country has become a playground for terrorist groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda - Ex-President of Yemen
A war that has killed thousands of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more, but Yemen continues to stay out of the international spotlight. On the backdrop of a Saudi-led intervention, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the country, as...
Mar 10, 2017 08:41
We don’t care who rules Syria as long as nation-state is preserved – Egypt’s ex-FM
Egypt has survived two consecutive revolutions, but managed to remain intact. While other nations have been plagued by a rise in sectarian strife, Egypt has remained what it was – a secular state. Amid the chaotic bloodbath in the Middle East,...
Mar 6, 2017 07:34
Football star: My first 5 years were constant struggle & defeats
In the world of football, Carles Puyol is a legend. One of the best defenders in the history of the game, he led the Barcelona team to tremendous success. During his fifteen-year career, he participated in hundreds of games and won dozens of major...
Jan 2, 2017 10:06
RT News - October 08, 2016 (12:00 MSK)
The US officially accuses Russia of hacking Democratic party emails to influence the upcoming presidential election an allegation Russia denies. A new style of journalism - with mainstream media quick to pick up the Democrat campaign hack...
Oct 8, 2016 11:27
Comets contain building blocks of possible life - Rosetta project scientist
Colonization of Mars, bases on the Moon, harnessing asteroids and finding someone else in the dark ocean of space - the dream of space is, probably, the oldest dream of mankind, ever since the first man looked in the night sky. Today, this dream is...
Dec 25, 2015 08:47
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