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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD
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RT Features
12 results
In 30 years, real meat will only be available in illegal places – 1st stem-cell burger creator
The Earth’s population is growing and so is the demand for food. Will we be able to sustain the planet when there are twice as many of us, and not completely destroy the environment? We talked to a man who has presented the first lab-grown...
Oct 22, 2021 06:42
Depression is genetic – psychiatrist
Depression is often seen as the scourge of our time. We look into how to spot it, then roll it back before it’s too late with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath, psychiatrist, founder of the University of California San Francisco Depression Center, and...
Jul 23, 2021 07:28
Bitcoin's only use is to hold on to it and hope – economist
The cryptocurrency craze is promising to bring about a new financial revolution while critics argue whether this gamble is worthwhile. We talk about this with Peter Schiff, stockbroker, chief economist and global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital....
Mar 12, 2021 06:16
Australia locks in news law & GameStop soars again
In the wake of Facebook locking its news sharing service in the nation, Australia has passed a law to make social media giants and other tech companies pay for the news shared on their platform. International Regulatory Attorney Myles Edwards joins...
Feb 26, 2021 06:44
Technology to synchronize realities – 5G scholar
Staying connected has become more important than ever now that we’re driven apart. How can 5G technology help us navigate the unchartered waters of the post-pandemic world? We asked Mischa Dohler, Professor in Wireless Communications at...
Nov 27, 2020 06:50
No vaccine will give 100% protection against COVID-19 – vaccine developer
As the effect of the coronavirus pandemic continues to create shocking figures, vaccine trials offer a glimmer of hope. What are the odds of beating the virus before it causes even more devastation? We talked about this with microbiologist Dr...
Jul 31, 2020 06:24
Russian finance minister: We no longer expect Western sanctions to be lifted
Today’s global economy speaks the language of sanctions, trade tariffs and restrictions, and the globalization dream is looking more distant than ever. How is Russia navigating these troubled waters? We ask Anton Siluanov, first deputy prime...
Jun 28, 2019 07:13
In a world where everything’s interconnected through the Web, one blackout and you’re done
The future is here. The vivid dreams of authors and filmmakers, scientists, and artists are coming true – virtual reality is booming, cars drive themselves, and the world is growing more interconnected every day with the Internet of Things....
May 12, 2017 07:25
Leaving EU best thing to happen to UK – Gerard Lyons
The United Kingdom is set to wave goodbye to the European Union. As British Prime Minister Theresa May is preparing to invoke Article 50, which will trigger two years of negotiations on exit terms, the debate on the future of Britain’s...
Mar 27, 2017 07:53
Washington needs people who actually understand how markets work – Wall St. veteran
In his bid for office, Donald Trump promised to take on Wall Street, reign in big corporations, and blasted the Clintons for their ties to big banks. But now that he’s in the White House, he’s filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs...
Feb 6, 2017 07:22
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