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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump confirms call with Putin on Ukraine
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18 results
We’re on the verge of '70s-like revolution – Saxo Bank chief investment officer
As 2021 draws to a close, futurists, political scientists, and economists are all competing in wild guesses about what the next year has in store for us. We talked to Steen Jakobsen, chief investment officer at Saxo Bank....
Dec 17, 2021 06:19
Autophagy shields a person from infection – neurogeneticist
The human body is wise, it knows how to regulate itself. But like every mechanism, even the most perfect ones, it needs a reset button. We talked to David Rubinsztein, professor of molecular neurogenetics at Cambridge University, about the...
Nov 26, 2021 06:46
Climate-caused migration will overwhelm the planet – sci-fi author
Sci-fi has always been about taking a peek into the future. But the fantasy scripts being conjured up today are more about nightmares than dreams. So, why do we paint such a dark future for ourselves? Or is the fear justified? We talked about this...
Nov 19, 2021 06:59
On Contact: Sex, women, gender identity
Chris Hedges discusses gender identity with Kathleen Stock, professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex. There are few cultural debates as contentious as the one raging around gender identity. Do we have an inner state called a gender...
Nov 7, 2021 06:34
Our mental state hinges on gut microbes – epidemiologist
Food is our primary source of energy, growth, and health – but not always. We figure out the rights and wrongs about food with Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and best-selling author. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
May 14, 2021 06:07
I flew into orbit as a patriot of my country, and I came back as a citizen of the world – astronaut
Scientific discoveries and technological advances are moving us closer to the stars. But what does the future of space travel hold for us? We talked to Russian cosmonaut and biochemist Sergey Ryazansky. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Jan 17, 2020 07:50
France is threatened like never before – ex-French intel chief
Terrorism remains a danger in Europe and France, the EU country that has been most targeted by extremists. How can the terrorism menace be contained? We asked Bernard Squarcini, former chief of the French Internal Security Bureau. Follow...
Jan 7, 2019 05:46
No rules count for those willing to bring Russia down – Kremlin spokesperson
Vladimir Putin has won the Russian vote and is about to embark on his second consecutive term as the Russian President. What lies ahead for Russia and the world now? That question is put to the official spokesman of the Russian President, Dmitry...
Mar 23, 2018 06:18
Russia’s Finance Minister: The future belongs to blockchain technology
The US has rolled out new sanctions against Russia. How does Moscow cope with the economic pressure and what does the trade war mean for the global economy? We talked to Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov about that and more. Follow...
Feb 2, 2018 07:56
US losing interest in global decisions – Finland’s ex-PM
The European dream of a pan-continental liberal order is faltering as economic inequality triumphs over common prosperity. Political bickering and resistance to eurocrats is stalling common decisions, and the common foreign policy is failing to find...
Jan 19, 2018 06:39
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