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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
12 results
Autophagy shields a person from infection – neurogeneticist
The human body is wise, it knows how to regulate itself. But like every mechanism, even the most perfect ones, it needs a reset button. We talked to David Rubinsztein, professor of molecular neurogenetics at Cambridge University, about the...
Nov 26, 2021 06:46
On Contact: Art – transformative, transcendent, revolutionary
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to artist and cartoonist Dwayne Booth, aka Mr. Fish, about the cultural requirement for revolution. Mr. Fish's new book is ‘Nobody Left – Conversations with Famous Radicals, Progressives and...
Mar 14, 2021 07:09
Technology to synchronize realities – 5G scholar
Staying connected has become more important than ever now that we’re driven apart. How can 5G technology help us navigate the unchartered waters of the post-pandemic world? We asked Mischa Dohler, Professor in Wireless Communications at...
Nov 27, 2020 06:50
On Contact: Paying the land with comics journalist Joe Sacco
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to comics journalist Joe Sacco about his new book, ‘Paying the Land’. In the book Sacco travels to the frozen Canadian Northwest Territories to reveal the Dene people in conflict over the costs...
Jul 26, 2020 08:31
On Contact: The end of public education with Noliwe Rooks
Chris Hedges talks to Cornell University Professor Noliwe Rooks about how America’s public education system, under successive administrations, continues to be segregated along racial lines, and what is taught is often shaped by business goals...
Apr 19, 2020 06:48
We’re moving into the age of transparency – designer
Improving our lives with the help of everyday objects – the philosophy of design is about comfort and function. We talked about this to one of the most iconic and prolific figures in contemporary design – Karim Rashid....
Dec 6, 2019 09:14
Thousands die waiting for treatment to be tested and cleared by the FDA - biohacker
Some people wonder if genes determine your entire life, and others are willing to take things into their own hands. Can a top-notch tool for gene editing work miracles in the hands of enthusiasts? We asked Josiah Zayner – biohacker and head of...
Jul 22, 2019 06:09
I saw people levitating – anthropologist
As long as humans can remember, we have been trying to push the boundaries of our own nature. Even now, everywhere from South America to Siberia, people are embarking on a spiritual journey. Is this all just an enduring fantasy? We talked to the man...
Dec 28, 2018 06:28
US will be hostage to partisan bickering for next two years – CIA veteran
As the rift between the US and the rest of the world grows wider, at home, Democrats are now in control of Congress. How big of a game changer is the result of the US midterms for the rest of the globe? We talked to two-decade CIA veteran Rolf...
Nov 19, 2018 07:31
Nassim Taleb: We worry about terror, but disease will be the Black Swan of the world
What does tomorrow hold for the world? Terrorist attacks, political crises, financial crashes, plague, war and unrest threaten the peace of our lives every day. Global powers strive to keep the planet intact, but can they handle the pressure? How...
Sep 12, 2016 07:30
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