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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD
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RT Features
36 results
Rules-based disorder? Christoph Heusgen, former German ambassador to the UN
From the earliest days of nation states, security has been of the utmost importance; and while ensuring it has provided both prosperity and development, it has also condemned millions to death. With Russia now openly rejecting the post-Cold War...
Dec 26, 2021 06:15
On Contact: The Julian Assange case
On the show, Chris Hedges talks to documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist John Pilger about the upcoming appeals hearing in London for the Julian Assange case. On Sept. 26, Yahoo! News published ‘Kidnapping, assassination and a...
Oct 24, 2021 06:25
On Contact: The fight to free knowledge
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses censorship and new digital media with Peter B. Kaufman, author and program manager at MIT Learning Center. The rise of new digital technologies that are rapidly supplanting print have conspired not to...
Aug 6, 2021 08:21
On Contact: Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to history professor and author Paul Street about the Biden administration and its continuity with the Democratic and Republic administrations’ policies and programs to benefit the elite and corporate...
May 9, 2021 07:10
On Contact: Biden admin redux, deep state, empire & censorship
On this show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald about the incoming Biden administration and what it will mean for a country in crisis, ravaged by a pandemic it cannot control, hostage to corporate...
Jan 17, 2021 06:05
Betting on humanity, reporting on bad news (E1628)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the chasm between the positive innovations and developments happening in the world and reporting on ever bleaker outlooks and pushing fear porn onto a demoralized population. In the second...
Dec 5, 2020 08:11
On contact: Julian Assange extradition hearing with Marjorie Cohn
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the extradition hearing of Julian Assange with lawyer, author and professor, Marjorie Cohn. Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, where she taught from 1991 to 2016,...
Jun 28, 2020 06:32
There’s no Planet B for us – cosmologist
The 21st century: an era of mind-boggling breakthroughs … but among all the solutions are there dangers lurking in the unknown? How can we grasp all that science has to offer – and still stay safe? We’ve talked to Lord Martin...
Sep 6, 2019 07:40
Intelligent aliens won’t be humanoids - astrophysicist
Based on the sheer number of stars in the galaxy alone... The odds that alien life exists out there are high. But how does that affect us here on Earth? We asked Professor Adam Frank, astronomer, physicist and author....
Jul 29, 2019 06:10
Libya doesn’t need help from NATO – ex-deputy PM of Libya
The turmoil in Libya has been dragged into a second month already, with all diplomatic efforts fruitless in getting military strongman Khalifa Haftar and the government in Tripoli to negotiate. What does the future hold for the war-torn country? We...
May 20, 2019 06:47
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