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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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19 results
On Contact: Julian Assange extradition case
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the extradition hearing of Julian Assange in London with Joe Lauria, editor-in-chief of Consortium News. For the past two days, Chris Hedges has been watching the extradition hearing for Julian Assange via video...
Oct 31, 2021 06:19
On Contact: America's endless war
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to Erik Edstrom, combat veteran and former platoon commander, about America's endless war. Edstrom is a decorated soldier who led combat missions in Afghanistan. His memoir is ‘Un-American: A...
Mar 7, 2021 07:15
On Contact: Afghanistan Papers with Spenser Rapone
Chris Hedges talks to Spenser Rapone, former combat veteran and US Army officer, about the Washington Post’s series the ‘Afghanistan Papers’. Drawing on thousands of pages of international government documents about the war in...
Dec 22, 2019 06:51
Knowledge is Hydra - neuroscientist
The human mind, however beautiful it can be, remains a mystery. What is consciousness and can we even try to explain it? We talked about that with neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Nov 29, 2019 07:00
Random investing in green tech to result in a bubble that will burst within 3-5 yrs – Per Wimmer
With climate change upon us, green technology is becoming all the rage. But are we being overly enthusiastic about renewable energy? Financial guru and philanthropist Per Wimmer shared his view. Follow @SophieCo_RT Sophie Shevardnadze: Per Wimmer,...
Jul 30, 2018 07:35
Public transport to be free in the future – HyperloopTT CEO
Tubes with pods flying at the speed of sound – Elon Musk’s Hyperloop promises to change the world, but how close is the project to reality? We ask Dirk Ahlborn, CEO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. Follow @SophieCo_RT Sophie...
Jul 13, 2018 07:24
Nassim Taleb: We worry about terror, but disease will be the Black Swan of the world
What does tomorrow hold for the world? Terrorist attacks, political crises, financial crashes, plague, war and unrest threaten the peace of our lives every day. Global powers strive to keep the planet intact, but can they handle the pressure? How...
Sep 12, 2016 07:30
News With Ed -- May 11, 2016
Clinton facing a 2-front war against Sanders and TrumpThe mainstream media has taken the bait laid out by the Hillary Clinton campaign that suggests competition presented by Bernie Sanders is dangerous given the rise of Donald Trump. Sanders was...
May 12, 2016 02:16
RT America -- May 11, 2016
Clinton facing a 2-front war against Sanders and TrumpThe mainstream media has taken the bait laid out by the Hillary Clinton campaign that suggests competition presented by Bernie Sanders is dangerous given the rise of Donald Trump. Sanders was...
May 12, 2016 02:16
Eurozone crisis ready for comeback, here for a decade - German Economic Ministry adviser
The European Union and its euro currency were created by those who dreamt of a truly united Europe - one without borders, both physical and economic. However, wave after wave of crises are now shaking the foundations of that dream. Voices of...
Nov 2, 2015 07:23
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