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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
10 results
System of a Down lead singer Serj Tankian slams Turkey over Nagorno-Karabakh war, Armenian genocide (E983)
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to the lead singer of System of a Down, Serj Tankian. He discusses the new documentary ‘Truth to Power’, which explores his family history, including his grandparents surviving the Armenian...
Mar 1, 2021 07:06
Todrick Hall – American singer, songwriter, actor, director, choreographer and YouTuber.
Music producer and singer Todrick Hall has a conversation with guest host Dennis Miller about his journey from viral Youtuber to Broadway star. Plus, his friendship with Taylor Swift and why her song ‘You Need to Calm Down’ is so...
Oct 11, 2019 18:50
Sleepless in Silicon Valley & When satire becomes cable news
Guest BTS host Tyrell Ventura reports on the dismantling of an enormous homeless camp in San Jose, California, and analyses the difference between corporate cable news' coverage of the Ferguson and Eric Garner cases and how alternative media...
Dec 6, 2014 07:55
BP’s bird massacre, Snowden’s 9/11 comment ignored, W.H. Fallout
In this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on two high level White House resignations, including Press Secretary Jay Carney for unspecified reasons, and the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, who stepped down...
May 31, 2014 07:44
Asteroid fighting laser bees, Al Qaeda mole fail, fluorescent gray breaks the stage
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin goes over the anniversary of the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing, explaining how an FBI informant embedded in the group responsible for the attack didn’t prevent it from being carrying it...
Mar 1, 2014 06:32
2013 highlights and lowlights, rusted root breaks the stage & Carl Sagan’s pale blue dot
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin highlights a few of the most uplifting and encouraging news stories of 2013, from organ printing to Snowden’s heroism. Abby then features a few of her favorite interviews from the second season...
Dec 21, 2013 07:30
Assange Granted Asylum
Guest host Sam Sacks fills in for Thom Hartmann and discusses Ecuador’s decision to grant asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Also discussed are the GOP’s attack against the 17th amendment, and DEVO’s new song about Romney’s dog Seamus. In...
Aug 17, 2012 03:00
Disco politics
Anastasia Prikhodko is representing Russia at Eurovision 2009 Today we will talk about music. Last year Russia’s Dima Bilan took the Eurovision by storm, enabling Moscow to host the song contest in 2009. The organisers have promised the...
May 15, 2009 03:31
Song contest hit by scandals
John O'Connor, Author, The Eurovision Song Contest - The Official History, Eurovision historian 1964 – Born in London 1985 – Graduates, University of London 1985 – Joins the record industry 1992 – Moves to the U.S....
May 14, 2009 03:31
Eurovision: behind the scene
The Eurovision song contest is very popular, not just in Europe but across the globe, as well. This year, Eurovision 2009 is hosted in Moscow.Find out who has written a controversial song, who has almost been excluded from the list of the...
May 10, 2009 21:31
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