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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
55 results
We’re parasites like viruses – biochemist
For ages, we've been trying to trace the origins of life on Earth. How did a barren rock turn into something as flourishing, beautiful, and abundant as we know it? We asked Nick Lane, professor of evolutionary biochemistry at University College...
Dec 3, 2021 08:21
In 30 years, real meat will only be available in illegal places – 1st stem-cell burger creator
The Earth’s population is growing and so is the demand for food. Will we be able to sustain the planet when there are twice as many of us, and not completely destroy the environment? We talked to a man who has presented the first lab-grown...
Oct 22, 2021 06:42
By changing the color and shape of food it's possible to change its flavor – experimentalist chef
Crispy lettuce, an airy soufflé and blood-red oranges – it turns out that enjoying the food we eat is not only a matter of taste. How does flavor find its way from the tongue to the brain? And how can it be manipulated? We talked to...
Sep 17, 2021 04:37
Antibiotic resistance to make pneumonia and appendicitis deadly again – microbiologist
We are hardly even done with the Covid-19 pandemic, but scientists are warning that something far worse is round the corner. We talk about this with Professor Peter Collignon, an Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist, and a World...
Aug 6, 2021 06:31
The world without insects is scary – biologist
Our planet’s biodiversity has long been crying for help. Hundreds of species could vanish off the face of the Earth, and we are talking end of this century, Bees are one of them. What would their extinction mean for our future? We talk with...
Jul 30, 2021 06:22
On Contact: Economic disobedience and debt abolition
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discuss economic disobedience and debt refusal with Thomas Gokey from Debt Collective. Most people in the United States are burdened by staggering amounts of debt. They accrue mounting debt because they are forced...
Jul 23, 2021 08:53
On Contact: Pandemic!
On the show this week, the first of a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses the social, political, cultural and economic ramifications of the pandemic with the philosopher Slavoj Zizek. “Driven by demand to persevere and not to fail, as...
Jul 14, 2021 07:58
Native Americans vs The Line 3 Pipeline Expansion (Tara Houska) (E992)
We speak to Tara Houska, tribal attorney and land defender, about the Line 3 Pipeline expansion, which would bring almost a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Wisconsin, US. She discusses how the pipeline breaks treaties...
Mar 22, 2021 06:07
‘Green New Deal can only happen with end of US interventions in Middle East!’ (Sunrise Movement spokesman) (E989)
Firstly, we speak to John Paul Mejia of the Sunrise Movement. He discusses why environmentalists and progressives are demanding the Line 3 pipeline be shut down, the encroachment of many of these fossil fuel pipelines on indigenous peoples’...
Mar 15, 2021 08:48
Corporate PR, militarizing space, Biden's foreign policy
Corporate America doesn't care about you no matter how many nice social justice tweets they pay a millennial to write. Lee Camp looks at how massive corporations are trying to buy their way onto the right side of social justice movements with...
Feb 27, 2021 07:13
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