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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
35 results
The yogic bodybuilder: Rediscovering a Kolkata guru whose physical feats dazzled in a pre-steroid era
Inundated by smarmy yoga masters, the West is rediscovering a 1930s teacher from Kolkata who combined bodybuilding with yoga asanas to achieve what is now being done with the help of chemicals
Sep 16, 2024 07:18
GOP Doctors Caucus ‘infuriated’ with Fauci, White House
“We are not going to vaccinate our way” out of the Covid-19 pandemic, Rep. Greg Murphy says
Jan 29, 2022 17:20
Texas Governor Abbott bans officials from requiring face masks, introduces $1,000 fine for those who do
Governmental entities in the US state of Texas will be banned from mandating mask-wearing from June 4 in places such as schools, after Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on face coverings rules on Tuesday.
May 18, 2021 20:04
‘Most people are bisexual and we help them with the shame’: Speaking to the gay ‘conversion therapist’ BoJo wants to ban
Northern Ireland’s Core Issues Trust is in Boris Johnson’s sights as he seeks to outlaw gay conversion therapy. The group’s Mike Davidson explains to RT the work it actually does, and why he thinks the PM is wrong.
Aug 26, 2020 08:05
Russian scientists develop ‘groundbreaking’ method to ‘trick’ immune system and make nano-drugs more effective
Russian researchers have found a way to ‘trick’ the immune system so that it prolongs the blood circulation of almost any nanomedicine, making the technology more therapeutically efficient.
Jul 16, 2020 16:35
WADA has the power to cancel entire countries from sports, despite its flawed methods and arbitrary rules
The World Anti-Doping Agency is regarded as the top sports authority when it comes to rooting out doping. But experts have pointed out glaring holes in WADA's modus operandi, which cast doubt on its judgement.
Dec 9, 2019 07:38
Kremlin critic Navalny suffers ‘allergic reaction’ in custody, supporters suspect foul play
Aleksey Navalny, a Russian opposition activist currently serving a 30-day sentence, was taken to the hospital on Sunday. Doctors say he had an acute allergic reaction, but some believe he may have been poisoned.
Jul 29, 2019 16:16
Pharma exec gave doctor lap dance while pushing addictive painkiller
A former stripper who rose up the ranks to become a sales director at Insys Therapeutics gave a doctor a lap dance as she utilized all her assets to get him to prescribe a dangerous opioid, a court has heard.
Jan 30, 2019 18:39
Zero-carbon fuel ‘out of thin air’? Nanotube membrane start-up thinks big
Alumni from MIT and Yale universities have perfected nanotube technology which could eventually allow humans to 3d-print pretty much anything we desire, including creating carbon-free fuel “out of thin air.”
Mar 11, 2018 22:40
German journalist questions Norway’s Olympic success over possible ‘asthma meds abuse’
The Olympic success of Norway’s skiing athletes has come under fire after a German investigative reporter accused some athletes of abusing their asthma medication to boost their medal haul.
Feb 24, 2018 11:06
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