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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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RT Features
13 results
On Contact: Anti-capitalist chronicles, part 2
On the show, the second of a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses with Professor David Harvey the social, political, and economic consequences of neoliberalism and globalization, exploring alienation, the rise of authoritarianism, the...
Sep 26, 2021 07:21
Russian finance minister: We no longer expect Western sanctions to be lifted
Today’s global economy speaks the language of sanctions, trade tariffs and restrictions, and the globalization dream is looking more distant than ever. How is Russia navigating these troubled waters? We ask Anton Siluanov, first deputy prime...
Jun 28, 2019 07:13
News. Views. Hughes - December 06, 2018 (17:00 ET)
Chinese tech mogul arrested in Canada Meng Wanzhou, CFO and deputy board chair of Chinese tech giant Huawei was arrested at a Canadian airport at the request of the US government. The US views Huawei as a possible front for spies and as a major...
Dec 6, 2018 23:26
If US doesn’t stop seeing itself as the sole superpower, we’re in for a rough ride — ex-CIA analyst
New sanctions loom in the US-Russia standoff — what does the spat mean for the world, and is there an end to it? We talked to Dr Mathew Burrows, the veteran CIA analyst and former National Intelligence Counselor. Follow @SophieCo_RT ...
Feb 5, 2018 08:30
#MeToo movement is another American revolution – ex-US government consultant
Tensions in society sometimes reach a boiling point if not taken care of, leading to revolutions. How do they work and are they avoidable? We ask Dr. Jack Goldstone, former consultant to the US government and professor of public policy at George...
Jan 22, 2018 07:28
Trump administration has trouble speaking with one voice – ex-US Ambassador to UN
Six months into his term, Donald Trump is already disrupting the existing global order, pulling the US out of international agreements like the TPP and the Paris Climate deal, as well as jeopardizing partnerships and lecturing decades-old allies on...
Jul 10, 2017 06:35
Beijing can defend itself against American aggression – Chinese think tank dean
Washington is taking another shot at building relations with Beijing. The Chinese leader is preparing for a state visit to the US to meet with the new president. But this comes as tensions over the South China Sea continue to boil over. With hostile...
Apr 3, 2017 07:09
Nassim Taleb: We worry about terror, but disease will be the Black Swan of the world
What does tomorrow hold for the world? Terrorist attacks, political crises, financial crashes, plague, war and unrest threaten the peace of our lives every day. Global powers strive to keep the planet intact, but can they handle the pressure? How...
Sep 12, 2016 07:30
Formula 1 technology is used in cars & aircraft industry - F1 head
Formula One drivers come and go, technology advances, new champions emerge - and all for several decades Bernie Ecclestone has been steering the course of one of the fastest sports in the world. Under his lead, F1 left the boundaries of Europe,...
Aug 1, 2016 07:11
US involvement could tip South China Sea into war - Asia studies head
North Korea has apparently just tested an H-bomb - a shocking development, even though some doubt it actually was a hydrogen bomb. Already, Washington lawmakers are grabbing the moment to push through reinforcement of America’s presence in the...
Jan 8, 2016 09:53
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