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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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RT Features
22 results
OPEC+ to boost oil output
OPEC+ members have agreed to boost output as they convene for virtual meetings. We’ll discuss the decision and how it could level off oil prices. And in an effort to seize the wave of digital currency, many nations are rushing to launch their...
Jan 5, 2022 06:22
On Contact: The new global order
Chris Hedges discusses the decline of the American empire and the new global order with Professor Alfred McCoy, who holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. McCoy looks at past empires and how they disintegrated...
Dec 5, 2021 06:10
Bitcoin's only use is to hold on to it and hope – economist
The cryptocurrency craze is promising to bring about a new financial revolution while critics argue whether this gamble is worthwhile. We talk about this with Peter Schiff, stockbroker, chief economist and global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital....
Mar 12, 2021 06:16
RT News - March 22, 2018 (12:00 MSK)
Russia says it regards the alleged poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal in the UK as an act of terror, and the British government must stop refusing Moscow's calls for a joint investigation. And, classified documents provided by...
Mar 22, 2018 09:50
Matteo Salvini: EU must change or cease to be
While the Catalan crisis dominates the headlines, a similar story is breaking out in Italy – with the country’s northern regions gearing up for a wide autonomy referendum. Can the vote succeed – and how will Rome deal with the...
Oct 9, 2017 07:40
States will cease to exist, cities will take their place – economist, best-selling author
The world is changing and it's changing fast – sometimes, too fast. You feel it, as everybody does. Mere decades into the Information age, we are witnessing globalization, changes in the ways the world communicates, in how it trades –...
Sep 29, 2017 07:37
Even gold is not as secure as un-hackable Bitcoin currency - Bitcoin Foundation CEO
The Bitcoin system is said to be reaching its capacity limits - spelling a possible disaster for thousands of those who decided to invest in the world's top cryptocurrency. One of the leading programists from the company quits it, selling all of his...
May 16, 2016 07:03
Giving govt ‘backdoors’ to encrypted data will compromise security even more – Cryptography pioneer
This man helped lead a revolution in computer cryptography decades ago - but with more and more information stored online today, concerns over the safety of our digital communications are bigger than ever. The world is facing a dilemma between...
Mar 11, 2016 08:50
Fair price for oil is $130 & will be, despite Saudi attempts - World Bank consultant
With oil prices at their lowest point, nations relying on oil are suffering - and it's not just Russia and Venezuela. Even OPEC members are in trouble, despite having the power to change the balance on the market. But they have been unable to reach...
Feb 8, 2016 07:26
IMF and World Bank have Western bias and benefit only US and EU - futurists
For the first time in a century, the US is no longer the world’s largest economy - China has taken over the spot. As the world’s power centers shift to the East, how will it affect the development of other nations? What will Asian...
Jan 9, 2015 08:39
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