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Russian military using ground-mobile kamikaze drones (MOD VIDEO) | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian military using ground-mobile kamikaze drones (MOD VIDEO) | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Kiev blew up metering station for EU-bound gas – Russia
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RT Features
20 results
Lights, Camera, Yakutia!
‘Everyone in Yakutia dreams of either starring in a film or making one,’ they say in this Russian republic in the heart of Siberia. The republic ranks third for film production in Russia, despite a population of around just 1 million....
Oct 23, 2024 07:50
Aurora Hunters
Chasing nature’s fantastic light shows. Revered by the ancients and considered a good omen, the Aurora Borealis phenomenon enjoys a cult following among scientists and ordinary people – like a group of Northern Lights aficionados from...
Apr 10, 2021 07:50
Moscow Police: Who if not us?
The Russian capital attracts a huge number of people from all over the country and abroad. This leads to 300,000 crimes a year. Almost a dozen police regiments maintain the security of Moscow’s population. From special operation officers to...
Nov 9, 2020 16:08
Beware of tanks!
The Tank Biathlon has much in common with athletic sports. It’s all about speed, accurate shooting, and skill. Since the first competition in 2014, crews from around the world have joined the ranks of tank sportsmen to show off their skills in...
Oct 3, 2020 09:47
On Contact: The end of public education with Noliwe Rooks
Chris Hedges talks to Cornell University Professor Noliwe Rooks about how America’s public education system, under successive administrations, continues to be segregated along racial lines, and what is taught is often shaped by business goals...
Apr 19, 2020 06:48
I’ve never tested psychedelic drugs on myself, I probably should – psychedelics researcher
Hijacked by the 60s summers of love, music and flower power – psychedelics don’t exactly have a great reputation. But is that all about to change? We talked to Robin Carhart-Harris, head of Psychedelic Research at Imperial College...
Jul 5, 2019 07:56
Cops don’t understand cybercriminal mindset – ex-cyber fraudster
Digital technology continues to bring unprecedented opportunities into our lives, but it also opens up new doors for crime. What is the life of a cybercriminal like and what hidden dangers lurk out there? We asked the ‘Original Internet...
Apr 8, 2019 06:47
3 people from my team, including ex-CIA director, were assassinated – ufologist
Talks of UFOs hovering in the skies have been exciting researchers and the general public for decades. Are we being watched from above, and are we ready for encountering the unknown? We ask Dr Steven Greer, director of the Center for the Study of...
Feb 15, 2019 06:45
The GOP wants to take away your healthcare & make the rich richer
Thom discusses the GOP healthcare plan and its benefits to wealthy Americans, with Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire Radio and America’s Lawyer. Thom talks to Angela Morabito of StandUnited.org and Sarah Badawi of the Progressive Change Campaign...
Mar 10, 2017 10:00
Dem-GOP party duopoly on its way out, may see 3-way race in 2020 – Ralph Nader
Donald Trump is wrapping up his first week in office as the 45th president of the US – and the country is deeply divided. Millions are already calling for his impeachment, as violent protests take place across the nation. The new president is...
Jan 27, 2017 08:18
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