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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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US reportedly shuts down probe into alleged children ‘kidnapping’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
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RT News - April 21 2023 (09:00 MSK)
A 72-hour humanitarian truce is proposed by a Sudanese paramilitary group - who've been engaged in fierce fighting with the country's armed forces since last weekend. RT follows Wagner Group fighters into the embattled city of Artyomovsk, as Moscow...
Apr 21, 2023 07:17
The latest from the ‘Duo of Dumb’
Joe Biden has decided the new voting bill is no longer about who can vote but about who *counts* the votes. Shame he didn’t tell his Vice President, Incompetent Kamala, about his shift in narrative. Let the damage-control-tour begin. Microsoft...
Jan 14, 2022 22:15
On Contact: History of the Factory with Joshua Freeman
Journalist Chris Hedges talks to Joshua Freeman, Professor History at City University of New York, about his book ‘Behemoth: The History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World’. While the US has deindustrialized its economy...
Nov 3, 2019 07:00
‘I studied knife wounds by bringing meat home for dinner and stabbing it’ – forensic pathologist
Death is never pretty and in many cases leaves lots of questions behind. And this man’s job is getting answers. I talk to forensic pathologist Dr. Richard Shepherd who was engaged in the most high-profile investigations in recent decades, and...
Jul 12, 2019 06:36
Episode 155
After Brexit, Trump, and then the crushing of Sarkozy, there was an inevitability about the news which emerged from Rome last weekend. The landslide defeat of PM Renzi’s proposal to concentrate even more power into the hands of the...
Dec 10, 2016 16:51
Vermont wins against Monsanto, VA corruption killing vets & NSA sham reform
Abby Martin talks about yet another drone strike in Yemen over the weekend that killed six people, while here in the US a domestic drone nearly collided with a plane in Tallahassee, Florida. Vermont lauded for its passage of a law that will...
May 13, 2014 06:56
Obama Invokes OWS on Jobs Tour
We'll continue our coverage of “Occupy Wall Street.” RT Producer Lucy Kafanov has the latest, including details on the $300,000 that's been donated and collected by those in NY. And, in the meantime, the president is on a jobs tour in North Carolina...
Oct 17, 2011 23:00
Expat view on city life
This weekend (August 29-31) we go on a tour with a Moscow-based expat for an illuminating look at the most glamourous side to the city. Swedish journalist, Kina Zeidler, takes us to some of the most prestigious places in the Russian capital. Enjoy...
Aug 28, 2008 20:00
One night in Moscow
Moscow is the largest city in Europe, and its night life is pumping. About four million people stay up past 1am on weekends! There no shortage of places to go. This episode gives you an entertaining glimpse of Moscow night life. The first event on...
Jul 26, 2008 20:00
One night in Moscow
Moscow is the largest city in Europe, and its night life is pumping. About four million people stay up past 1am on weekends! There no shortage of places to go. This episode gives you an entertaining glimpse of Moscow night life. The first event on...
Jul 24, 2008 20:00
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