Life after war for veterans
There are 18 million military veterans in the US. The country’s Department of Veterans Affairs tells us that around 12 percent of America’s homeless are vets. What’s wrong with this picture? Holland Cooke discusses it with Dorothy Gasque, who served for eight years in the US Army and is a candidate for Washington State’s 3rd Congressional District seat. They’re joined by Dr Harlan Ullman, former adviser to the Pentagon, a Vietnam and Persian Gulf veteran, and UPI’s Arnaud de Borchegrave Distinguished Columnist.
As long as there have been bullhorns, there have been boycotts. But social media really amped-up the volume and velocity of protests that target media figures, athletes, and the businesses that support them. But what do boycotts actually accomplish? Holland discusses this with Boom Bust host and former US trading commissioner, Bart Chilton; and Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers magazine.