Workplace romance! A touchy issue post-#MeToo
Holland Cooke speaks with David Lewis, president and CEO of Operations Inc., about sexual harassment in the workplace. He also talks to Deanna Lorraine, relationship coach and author of ‘Making Love Great Again,’ about the new road to reviving romance and winning at relationships. President Trump recently announced that “taxpayer dollars should not subsidize anti-First Amendment institutions,” and that “universities that want taxpayer dollars should promote free speech, not silence free speech.” Many of the president’s supporters reckon that universities foster an unbalanced, liberal perspective and seek to indoctrinate students. Fair charge or bum rap? Holland and Chris Chambers, Georgetown University professor of journalism, discuss this topic. Then, student loan debt among those 60 and older has grown the fastest of any age group! So, how do we dig out of this hole? Speaker, author, and adjunct professor Sonia Lewis talks about how to help borrowers develop repayment plans.