ISIS, immigration, and oil
US Defense Secretary General James Mattis arrives in Baghdad to talk about ISIS, immigration, and oil. President Donald Trump said he wants the US to have the oil, but General Mattis says the administration is not in Iraq to seize the precious resource. We chat with RT’s Alex Mihailovich, who breaks it all down. Political war chests. The 2018 midterms are quickly approaching in the US, and many are wondering which candidates are most likely to hit the political jackpot when it comes to spending money left over from the 2016 presidential race.
In the last five years, the global arms trade has reached a level not seen since 1990. Bianca Facchinei takes a look. Manuel Rapalo takes a look at the ruling by the high court of New Zealand that the founder of file-sharing website Megaupload is eligible for extradition to the US.
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