India’s right wing takeover, politicians who still believe in WMDs & the end of the Cheetah
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about the Army’s review of Chelsea Manning’s request for gender reassignment surgery and the potential to transfer her from a military to civilian prison, where there are much more threats to her safety. Abby then features a report by BTS producer Cody Snell about the demonstrations that took place at the FCC to protest the recent ruling that erodes Net Neutrality, and speaks to Casey Rae, Director of Future of Music Coalition about what a post neutral internet would look like to independent artists and musicians. Abby then revisits the case ofIbragim Todashev, an associate of the Tsarnaev brothers, who was inexplicably executed by an FBI agent during a four hour interrogation, reporting the fact that the identity of the special agent has finally been revealed as a sociopathic ex-Oakland police officer who has a tarnished history of unlawful beatings and arrests. BTS wraps up the show talking to Keane Bhatt, journalist and activist about a recent open letter he and many prominent figures signed calling for the non-profit organization Human Rights Watch to close its revolving door with the U.S. government.
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