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10 Jul, 2018 03:22

Up to the last drop

Up to the last drop

Cities, regions and countries all around the world are increasingly rejecting the water privatization model they had adopted for years and are remunicipalizing services to take back public control over water and sanitation management. In many cases, this shift is due to the false promises of private operators which have proven to be unwilling to put the needs of communities before their own profit.

Water remunicipalization is a growing global trend which is reshaping the world’s water sector. In crisis-stricken Europe, Paris and Berlin have recently taken back public control over their water. But at the same time, however, the European Commission through the Troika demands that the countries of the European south privatize their water services. Public operators mainly in Greece and Portugal are constantly under attack. Provisions about water can be found in every memorandum of understanding that Greece, Ireland and Portugal have signed with the Troika.

Between corporate and public interests, EU politics, austerity and debt-ridden countries, Up to the Last Drop unveils a long-standing underground water war in Europe which is still in progress.

Due to copyright restrictions, this video can only be viewed on RT’s live feed. Time of broadcast is available on RT’s schedule page.
