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26 Jun, 2024 08:40

‘White’s’ Orchestra. Part 1

Members of the 114th Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces compare their commander, known as ‘White’, to an orchestra conductor. Minute by minute, callsign White orchestrates and synchronizes the efforts of reconnaissance teams, artillery units, drone operators, and shock troops. How did they prepare for one of the most pivotal stages in liberating Avdeevka? What challenges do the brigade’s fighters face in their daily tasks?

Military documentary filmmaker Klim Poplavsky ventured to the front lines to gain insight into the intricate planning of the operation to secure the approaches to the stronghold from which the Ukrainian army has been indiscriminately shelling Donetsk since 2014. What happened in the critical hours and minutes before this high-risk mission?

Watch “‘White’s’ Orchestra. Part 1” on RTD website and on RT’s live feed. The time of the broadcast is available on RT’s schedule page.
