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28 Mar, 2015 09:49

Save the NHS, Not-so-red Ed, & Coalition consequences (E192)

Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the National Health Action Party. Dr Clive Peedell, its co-leader, argues that his party is necessary as Labour don’t go far enough rolling back failed reforms, and warns that “£4 billion a year is wasted on the healthcare market.” Salman Shaheen of Left Unity calls for “actions not words” from Ed Miliband if he wants to prove his socialist credentials, and argues that anti-austerity parties are needed to represent true socialism. Mike Finn, a co-editor of The Coalition Effect, looks at the highs and lows of the last five years, from failed NHS and welfare reforms to “disastrous” foreign policy. Hywel Williams, Plaid Cymru MP, explains his party’s position on Trident, coalition with Welsh Labour and austerity. And, in what could be the last PMQs ever, Cameron attacks “Salmond’s poodle.”

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