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1 Jun, 2024 05:46

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Joe Biden and every member of the US govt is complicit in Rafah genocide


On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Colin Powell’s former chief of staff, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. He discusses the collapse of the INF Treaty and why its collapse is so dangerous, the ICC finally moving to prosecute Israeli officials after decades of only prosecuting enemies of Washington, Joe Biden and every member of the US government down to the lowest staffer being complicit in the Gaza genocide, Benjamin Netanyahu playing a key role in the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the reckless decision to allow Ukraine to strike within Russia and target Russian early warning systems which could trigger nuclear war, the increasing risk of escalation between NATO and Moscow as Stoltenberg and Macron continue to flirt with direct conflict with Russia, the attempted color revolution in Georgia over the ‘Foreign Agents’ law, what could make him support Donald Trump in November, and much more.

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