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27 Mar, 2019 21:32

Israel, Hamas ceasefire on shaky ground

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is on thin ice. In the meantime, Syria has called an emergency meeting with the UN Security Council to discuss issues in the region, including Trump announcement claiming that the country’s Golan Heights belongs to Israel. RT’s John Huddy reports from the newsroom with the latest. A Turkish employee at the US embassy in Turkey is on trial for being allegedly tied to a coup attempt tin 2016. Now the State Department is calling for his arrest. This, in the midst of US tensions with Turkey over their interest in Russian-made missile purchases is the topic of discussion between Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and RT’s Ashlee Banks. A Republican representative is introducing the Ballot Fairness Act which will eliminate “straight party voting” which can detract voters from looking at Independent and third party candidates. Investigative journalist Ben Swann breaks this all down.
