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2 Jul, 2021 20:49

FULL SHOW: Amazon’s carbon footprint increased during pandemic

Tech giant Amazon says that the company’s carbon footprint has increased by 19 percent in 2020. Boom Bust Co-host and investigative journalist Ben Swann weighs in.

The search and rescue team in Florida located two more bodies in the rubble of the condo collapse, raising the death toll to 20, while over 100 people remain missing. RT America’s John Huddy has the latest developments. 

The US and Japan are conducting joint military exercises aimed at China, according to sources of the Financial Times. This is an extension of Trump-era policies adopted by the Biden administration. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich has the story. Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and Jeremy Kuzmarov, Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine and author of The Russians are Coming Again join a panel to discuss. 

Authorities in California discovered a stockpile of illegal fireworks in South Los Angeles, but when the bomb squad arrived to seize the pyrotechnics, the plan didn’t go as intended. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte has the story.
