News. Views. Hughes - July 24, 2019 (17:00 ET)
LIVE from protests: Puerto Ricans united against Rosello
RT America’s John Huddy joins News.Views.Hughes live from Puerto Rico outside the Governor’s Mansion in the thick of the massive protests that have rocked the island territory for days.
Facebook slammed with $5B fine in antitrust probe
The US Department of Justice is opening an antitrust probe into major US companies like Facebook and Google. Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission issued Facebook a $5 billion for mishandling users’ privacy. Legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins Scottie Nell Hughes to share his insights.
Did Mueller hearing satisfy Congress?
Criminal defense attorney David A Katz and Tony Lazzaro of Big Tent Republicans PAC join News.Views.Hughes to react to the hours-long the hours-long Congressional testimony of Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Wednesday. They also offer predictions about potential foreign meddling in the 2020 election.