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29 Mar, 2019 01:02

The News with Rick Sanchez - March 28, 2019 (20:00 ET)

WATCH: RT America’s raw & personal response to Mueller probe 

So many countries meddle in US affairs – and the US meddles right back. Why did Russia become the exclusive boogieman; the bête noire of the US media’s road to nowhere? Rick Sanchez explains how Russophobia drives the biggest, most powerful industry in the world: US weapons.

Adam Schiff in GOP crosshairs for ‘McCarthyism’ 

Republicans are using the Mueller report to bludgeon their colleagues – they are specifically targeting Representative Adam Schiff (D-California), the most outspoken “Russiagate” theorist of all. RT America’s Dan Cohen joins Rick Sanchez to discuss.

MSNBC ratings plunge as Russiagate implodes 

Political consultant John Jordan joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the toxic symbiosis of President Trump and the media. He argues that in light of the conclusion of the Mueller investigation, corporate networks are losing money, hemorrhaging viewers, and that “the gravy train has ended.”
