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30 Apr, 2019 00:40

The News with Rick Sanchez - April 29, 2019 (19:00 ET)

Rick Sanchez tears up remembering Bart Chilton

Rick Sanchez reflects on the influence of Commissioner Bart Chilton (1960-2018), late host of RT America’s “Boom Bust,” who passed away over the weekend from pancreatic cancer and will be sorely missed by all his colleagues. 

Not-so-neutral ‘White Helmets staged chemical attacks’

Amnesty International and others have confirmed a US-led coalition attack on Raqqa, Syria that caused the death of 1,600 people in 2017. The Pentagon continues to downplay the human toll of the attack. Amnesty’s report also raises new questions about the “White Helmets,” much-lionized by the West as “neutral rescue-workers.” RT America’s Michele Greenstein joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the real nature of the White Helmets. We’ll also hear from the director of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy.  

Chris Hedges destroys Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow smugly tweeted “death by algorithm” with a link to a recent Washington Post article lamenting that an Aaron Maté interview conducted by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, host of RT America’s “On Contact,” was recommended to people in the wake of the Mueller Report. Hedges joins Rick Sanchez to respond to Maddow’s latest conspiratorial spasm. He argues that she “functions to keep viewers glued to the set” and that her claims “aren’t tied to any verifiable reality.”

