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7 Jun, 2019 00:58

The News with Rick Sanchez - June 06, 2019 (20:00 ET)

Russia rescues Huawei — US ban backfires 
Deprived of US business, Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has signed a deal to develop 5G wireless networks in Russia. Rick Sanchez explains. Then former US Navy intelligence officer John Jordan weighs in. He predicts that Russia will regret its apparent pivot to China.

WATCH: Russia’s new missile fastest ever 

In response to worries about the impending militarization of space and US unpredictability on the world stage, Russia has developed an anti-ballistic missile to protect itself from extraterrestrial attack. It travels nine times the speed of sound. RT’s Yulia Shapovalova reports for the News with Rick Sanchez.

Iran war threat is Netanyahu’s foil 

RT America’s Michele Greenstein joins Rick Sanchez to discuss Washington’s aggressive posture toward Iran how media narratives perpetuate Iran’s role as a foil to US and Israeli foreign policy.
