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20 Sep, 2019 01:03

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 19, 2019 (20:00 ET)

US Drone strike kills 30 farmers (Full show)

At least 30 Afghan civilians were killed and 40 others were injured by a US drone strike on Thursday. RT America’s Michele Greenstein (in for Rick Sanchez) reports. Meanwhile, new US sanctions have been imposed on businesses associated with CLAP, Venezuela’s food distribution program, in an effort to combat “systemic corruption.” President Nicolas Maduro took to the airwaves to defend his country’s program in an exclusive interview with RT en Español. Then Sourabh Gupta, senior Asia-Pacific international relations policy specialist at the Institute for China-America Studies comments on Hong Kong’s anti-government protest movement as well as the interminable, mutually damaging economic war between Washington and Beijing. We report on reduced Russian and Chinese investment in US bonds and what’s driving the trend. Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History at the University of Houston, weighs in on newly appointed national security advisor Robert O’Brien. Plus, how to combat the booming business of ever-annoying “robocalls” and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s well-scripted apology for wearing blackface.
