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16 Nov, 2019 08:30

The war on Latin American leftists, Bloomberg enters DNC primary, Bezos upset in Seattle City Council

The indigenous president of Bolivia was forced to resign before the end of his term this week after a US-led coup succeeded. Lee briefly reviews the recent history of US-backed coups taking out left-wing political movements across Latin America. He recalls violent actions supported by the US in Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela. If given more time, this list of leftist governments taken out in the interests of US businessmen could extend right across Latin America. Lee covers Michael Bloomberg’s apparent presidential aspirations, the attempted arrest of the founder of Code Pink on the falsified charge of assaulting Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and more poverty porn from your corporate media.

Natalie McGill sits down with Lee to look at a new case in which HUD is rolling back rules that protect people from discrimination in the housing market. Under these rule changes, banks and landlords would be able to avoid legal troubles for discriminating against people by blaming it on an algorithm. Anders Lee finishes off the show with a report on the recent election outcome in Seattle’s city council race. Jeff Bezos had put $1.5 million into the race to unseat Kshama Sawant. Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative and, among many victories, she led the drive to increase Seattle’s minimum wage to $15. She also ended up winning the election, proving that grassroots campaigning can still compete with big money politics.

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