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10 Dec, 2021 07:01

Christopher Hitchens revisited

Naomi Karavani sits down with Ben Burgis to discuss the philosophy professor’s latest book, ‘Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters’. Hitchens began his intellectual career as a socialist and ended it as a supporter of the War on Terror. Karavani and Burgis look at some of Hitchens’ career highlights such as exposing Bill Clinton, Mother Teresa, and more. They also get into what started his rightward slide and how 9/11 broke his brain.

Anders Lee and Jaffer Khan join Karavani to look over some of the missed headlines from the week. General Stanley McChrystal wrote a book about doing business without having a business career. A billionaire has asked the Olympics to be more accommodating to yacht owners. And Japanese cops have been stealing from the American playbook when it comes to discrimination.

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