Cancel culture and heroes at home (E373)
‘Cancel culture Britain’ continues. With ‘Tom and Jerry’ banned from our screens, the plays of William Shakespeare are under scrutiny because of works such as the ‘Taming of the Shrew’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Othello’ and the capacity of the Bard to offend. And of course, Sir Winston Churchill. Where once tourists made a pilgrimage to his statue in Parliament Square, we now question whether he is a villain or a hero. But surely he can be both. Had it not been for him, we might be speaking to you in German and we would definitely not be speaking to our guest, journalist Ramsha Khan, at all. She has written an article in Spiked Online this week in defence of Winston Churchill and his reputation, giving an alternative perspective. So, we spoke to her from her home in Pakistan.
As a glimmer of light seems to be shining through a truly horrific year, there are many tragic real-life stories behind the daily statistics. There are also many genuinely uplifting stories too. At the beginning of this emergency, PPE was hard to come by and not always of the highest standards. Battling with black-market traders and extortionate prices, Mask Our Heroes set about sourcing masks from across the world. We have heard of many heroic deeds during this pandemic, with Captain Sir Tom raising millions of pounds for charity, to many others working quietly behind the scenes. One of the latter is Tamer Hassan, a tough-guy actor with a golden heart. He came onto Sputnik to tell us about his work with Mask Our Heroes and how they still continue to distribute much needed PPE across the country.
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