‘Three men were fighting, then one of them fell down’ – witness of Denis Ten’s murder

Witnesses of Denis Ten’s murder gave details of the tragic incident that claimed the life of the prominent Kazakh figure skater. A woman at the scene said she was leaving a shop when she saw several people asking for help.
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“One guy later told me that he was sitting in his car and saw how three people started to fight. Then one of them fell down. He immediately left his car to provide help and it was he who called an ambulance. He identified the figure skater with help of the car’s registration certificate,” the women was quoted as saying by nur.kz
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“When the ambulance took him, his right leg was visibly swollen. It became swollen so fast, there was so much blood there, but nobody could have thought he would die,” another witness said, describing the tragic episode.
The 2014 Olympic bronze medalist was killed on Thursday after being fatally stabbed during a struggle with two men who were attempting to steal the rear-view mirrors from the skater’s Lexus vehicle.
One of the suspects, who was identified as Nuraly Kiyasov, was detained by Kazakh police and confessed to the crime.
He was taken to the crime scene by Kazakh law enforcement officers who have been investigating the tragedy. A second suspect involved in the altercation has also been detained by police.