Ukrainian hockey moms melt the ice with hot photo session (PHOTOS)

The mothers of youngsters at Ukrainian ice hockey team Sokil-2005 have stripped off in a photo session on the rink in a bid to raise the popularity of the sport in the country.
READ MORE: ‘I stripped off for a reason’ – Russian hockey fan backs team in unusual way
The snaps shared on the team’s Facebook page show the moms donning hockey equipment on top of little else in the revealing photoshoot. Each ‘moms’ profile was captioned with a short story on how their children had got into ice hockey.
The women posed up for the alluring photo shoot on the rink or in the team’s dressing room, with their kids’ jerseys hanging in the background.
The images were captioned with the hashtag #hockeymom_sokil, and gained the attention of local news outlets in Ukraine, as well as from social media users. Many online praised the women for their novel approach to popularizing the sport.