'Brutal aggression': Argentine footballer arrested after sickening referee assault (VIDEO)

An Argentinian domestic match descended into chaos when irate Luis Maciel of Sporting de Santo Pipó knocked the referee unconscious after being sent off, prompting local police to arrest the player.
Maciel's Sporting de Santo Pipo were trailing rivals Miter 3-1 with ten minutes to go in the final of Liga de Posadas, when referee Gabriel Cortinez issued Sporting player Matías Benítez a second yellow card for alleged insults to rival players.
This prompted teammate Maciel to attack the referee with a two-punch combination which knocked the official out cold and left him unconscious on the pitch.
Un jugador noquea al árbitro en pleno partido.El colegiado Gabriel Cortínez fue golpeado por Luis Maciel del Sporting de Santo Pipó en la final de la Liga de Posadas, en Argentina.El futbolista fue llevado a bartolina y liberado a las pocas horas. pic.twitter.com/HMvk7DHbg4
— Marcador Final (@MarcadorGMV) December 17, 2018
Cortinez received lengthy treatment from paramedics while bleeding from the mouth and laying prone on the turf, including being placed in a neck brace, before leaving the stadium in an ambulance.
Commenting on the assault after the match, Cortinez admitted he couldn't remember anything after looking at his watch to check how much injury time was left in the game.
Gabriel Cortinez:⚽️👉 “Esta persona le hace mal al #fútbol”Tras la agresión recibida por parte del jugador Luis Maciel que lo dejó noqueado en la primer final de la Liga Posadeña de Fútbol entre Mitre y Sporting, el árbitro pidió una pena ejemplificadora para el jugador. pic.twitter.com/QXt0Rd4UZ5
— Muy Temprano (@Muy_Temprano) December 18, 2018
👊 Brutal agresión: Un jugador noquea al árbitro en pleno partido https://t.co/ZCsL1sPSHNpic.twitter.com/2JwlxYpPgj
— Mundo Deportivo (@mundodeportivo) December 17, 2018
Gabriel Cortínez, el árbitro atacado, tuvo que se hospitalizado donde permaneció en observación (fuera de peligro). Mientras que Luis Maciel, jugador de Sporting de Santo Pipó, fue detenido, estuvo varias horas en la comisaría hasta ser liberado. (Foto: El Territorio) pic.twitter.com/zSuXkN7q6I
— SportsCenter (@SC_ESPN) December 17, 2018
"I was watching the stopwatch, there was a minute and a half left at the end of the match and then I received that blow that left me asleep. I do not remember anything anymore," he said (via translation).
El Club Atlético Bartolomé Mitre se solidariza con Gabriel Cortinez luego de lo ocurrido ayer por la tarde en el Tito Cucchiaroni. pic.twitter.com/TxU6bt5FK1
— Bartolomé Mitre (@MitrePosadas) December 17, 2018
Maciel was subsequently arrested by local police and taken to the nearest station, but was released a few hours later.
Just last month, Argentine football was under the spotlight due to football violence when the decisive Copa Libertadores final 2nd leg in Buenos Aires was delayed after River Plate fans attacked the team bus of fierce rivals Boca Juniors.