Un-childish temper: Parents stage mass brawl at under-7s baseball game (VIDEO)

19 Jun, 2019 16:25
Screenshot from Twitter

A youth baseball game in the US turned into a huge brawl after parents attending the sports event started punching and kicking each other following a controversial decision made by the match umpire.

Tempers began to fray at an under-7s baseball game in Lakewood, California after dozens of adult spectators disagreed with a decision made by a 13-year-old umpire officiating at the match.

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The heated verbal exchange between parents rapidly escalated into a massive fist-fight which was staged right on the field in front of the shocked kids who participated in the game.

Video posted by Lakewood Police Department shows a man wearing a white T-shirt brutally hitting another man in the head several time, before eventually knocking him out.

Police officers were summoned to the scene to pacify the infuriated baseball fans.

These adults took over the field and began assaulting each other on 6/15 during a youth baseball game,” Lakewood police said in a statement on Twitter.

We're looking for any info, in particular to ID the man in the white shirt/teal shorts. Several people have already been cited in this fight and injuries were reported,” the post reads.