'Not even an evil virus should stop a talented keeper!' Legend Schmeichel praises young Covid-19 isolation goalie

Goalkeeping legend Peter Schmeichel has heaped praise on a young goalkeeping hopeful who has gone viral practicing his saves in his back garden while in self-isolation amid the coronavirus quarantine in the UK.
Sarah-Jane Tobin posted a short video of her young goalkeeper son practicing his saves in the garden by passing the ball off a wall and diving to save the rebound before it went in the net.
When you’re a goalkeeper... and an only child... in self isolation... and trying to keep up with your training... 😂😂came up with this himself! I’m so impressed. #coronavirus#StayHomeStaySafepic.twitter.com/FFzJ1LE3N1
— Sarah-Jayne Tobin (@TheSJTobin) March 23, 2020
She later clarified that her son is an only child in self-isolation and had devised the plan to ingeniously combat boredom in quarantine.
"When you’re a goalkeeper... and an only child... in self isolation... and trying to keep up with your training... came up with this himself! I’m so impressed. #coronavirus #StayHomeStaySafe," Tobin wrote.
love this 🙌🏽🙌🏽
— Grace Moloney (@gracemoloney) March 23, 2020
Loved them days against the fence pretending I was Big Nev!
— Michael Ball (@bally03) March 23, 2020
This is beyond excellent. And looks a lovely day for it in fairness!
— Séamas It Ever Was (@shockproofbeats) March 23, 2020
Excellent. 👍
— Damian Cullen (@Damian_Cullen) March 23, 2020
The clip soon went viral as a heartwarming reminder of a child's creativity in his pursuit to play football in times of crisis, and received a wealth of
The footage quickly caught the eye of goalkeeping legend Peter Schmeichel, who praised the young keeper for training in the face of an "evil virus".
Nothing, not even an evil virus like the CONVID-19 should stop a talented goalkeeper from working on getting better. Well done young man👏👏 https://t.co/0od38Z2EMt
— Peter Schmeichel (@Pschmeichel1) March 23, 2020
"Nothing, not even an evil virus like the CONVID-19 (sic) should stop a talented goalkeeper from working on getting better. Well done young man," Schmeichel tweeted.
Who knows, if the youngster continues to practice, he might just be able to save the world from coronavirus yet.