Home run: Russian athlete ‘completes 100km lockdown ultramarathon AROUND HIS BED’ (VIDEO)

21 Apr, 2020 10:23 / Updated 4 years ago

Russian ultramarathon marathon runner Dmitry Yakuhnyi has shot to internet fame after claiming to have covered 100km while in coronavirus lockdown… by repeatedly running around his bed.

The 43-year-old from Vladivostok said he ran 100km from the comfort of his own apartment, streaming parts of the unusual feat live on Instagram where he was seen eating fruits, keeping hydrated and even playing with his kids.

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In April I was set to take part in the world’s most grueling ultramarathon – Marathon Des Sables (MDS), where participants cross 250 km (in seven days) across the Sahara desert. But the competition was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, I decided to test myself running 100km around the bed,” Yakuhnyi said.

The athlete said that at first his idea to run at home was treated as a joke, but soon his kids joined him by running a small part of the distance together.

The runner needed 10 hours and 19 minutes to ‘finish’ the race with a special electronic device counting every meter he covered.