‘Not all heroes wear capes’: NBA player saves toddler son from drowning in swimming pool as clip goes viral (VIDEO)

An NBA star has shared horrifying footage from his family home on social media which has gone viral, after his young son took a fall into their swimming pool and had to be saved through quick thinking from his parents.
Philadelphia 76ers center Andre Drummond uploaded a clip of the incident to his Twitter feed on Thursday, which has already been seen over 1.5 million times.
"Not all heroes wear capes," he captioned it.
"A parent's worst nightmare…Featuring my son & I."
"No one was harmed in this video," Drummond insisted.
NOT ALL HEROS WEAR CAPES 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️A parents worst nightmare….. Feat my son & I 😂😂No one was harmed in this video pic.twitter.com/POumiU9HGk
— Andre Drummond (@AndreDrummond) August 12, 2021
In it, his two-year-old son can be seen sat on the edge of the pool surrounded by adults, before he suddenly falls into the water.
Still fully clothed and wasting no time, the imposing 6ft 10 and 280lbs athlete quickly dives in to pull his son to safety.
"He's smiling," someone is heard saying of the toddler, Deon, who then attempts to get back in and is told "Don't do that".
I'm glad the child was ok. But... that was not very heroic. You jumped in water that barely comes to your waste to pick up your own child who barely a had chance to get wet. Don't call yourself a hero for that bruh.
— Clark on the radio (@shawnpowers08) August 12, 2021
First, that child was underwater for 2 seconds at most he is definitely okay. It takes much longer for a kid to drown. Second, that lady looked like she was about to jump in, how fast ya want her to be she clearly on the bigger side tf…
— ray szn (@RaySayHey) August 12, 2021
Drummond was widely blasted for the incident on social media.
Some found it "fake" or "staged", but others took the moral high ground and criticized him for "terrible parenting" while doubting his hero credentials.
"I'm glad the child was OK. But...that was not very heroic," one party pooper pointed out.
"You jumped in water that barely comes to your waste [sic] to pick up your own child who barely a had chance to get wet. Don't call yourself a hero for that bruh."
"Why yall letting him sit on the edge like that tho?," it was asked.
Why yall letting him sit on the edge like that tho?
— Jamal2k (@JamalCoding) August 12, 2021
Lmaoooooooooooo word
— Andre Drummond (@AndreDrummond) August 12, 2021
People acting like accidents never happen, & y’all are perfect. People in the comments should be ashamed for Judging another man when they should be lookin in the Mirror....
— HA! DEEZ NUGGS! 😲💨💨 (@Deeznuggs__) August 12, 2021
"Dads in the 80s would've been like, 'Wait. Let's see if he can figure it out first.' Then you would've got a 30-minute lecture about it if you couldn't," was one alternative take on the matter, which Drummond found hilarious and replied "word" to.
But one of those who took umbrage to the complaining said: "People [are] acting like accidents never happen, y’all are perfect.
"People in the comments should be ashamed for judging another man when they should be looking in the mirror...."