Monson knocks daylights out of Moscow cops

American MMA star Jeff Monson will be remembered by the Moscow crowd not only for his fight with Fedor Emelianenko, but also by his off-ring adventures in the Russian capital.
On Monday, the Russian internet simmered with discussions of Fedor Emelianenko’s latest win over the American veteran fighter Jeff Monson. While the majority of fans celebrated Fedor’s return to the sport’s elite, the others, quite a significant part it must be said, admired the American.The matter is not about his professional skills, though many marked Monson’s spirit as the American continued the bout till the end with one of his legs broken. What the fighter will be most remembered for was his simplicity and a few extravagant tricks he made. One of the LifeJournal users was shocked when he met Monson in the city’s Metro, which he decided to take in order to make the 40-minute trip to the Moscow outskirts, where he was to hold a master class the day before the fight. He was dressed in hooded top and wearing flip-flops. The temperature on that day was around zero degrees.On one of the stations he noticed two policemen trying to calm down a drunken man. Their methods seemed too aggressive to the American and he rushed to calm down the policemen. Monson’s escort decided not to wait until the American, known for his penchant for anarchism, beat up the surprised law-enforcers and stopped the scuffle.Monson lost to Fedor Emelianenko on a unanimous decision on Sunday evening in front of a sell-out crowd in the Moscow Olympiysky arena. Later it was revealed that Fedor had broken Monson’s leg, but the American stood till the end of the bout.