Visit RT to read Ali Khamenei news. Find the latest updates on Ali Khamenei, including politics, healthcare and more. See all Ali Khamenei news in spheres such as military, elections and sanctions. Look for the latest news on coronavirus, including citing accusations against the US, and travel restrictions. Tune in to RT for the information about Ali Khamenei position on Iran’s parliamentary elections. Stay tuned for the stories on Qasem Soleimani assassination, including calls for revenge and retaliation strikes qualified as slap in the face. Check out RT for Ali Khamenei news on comments on the US, including comparison with sinking ocean liner, criticizing of the Palestine deal and rejection to talk with the US. Find the stories on the Ukrainian plane shot down, including calls for investigation. See the news on the US pressure policy, including personal sanctions on Ali Khamenei and calling sanctions useless. Stay tuned for news on protests in Iran, including the accusation on the US of supporting the unrest, and thanking pro-government demonstrators. Find Ali Khamenei news on international events, including meetings with Shinzo Abe, Imran Khan and Bashar al Assad.