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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Mending Russia–US ties, EU undermining Trump, and Ukraine–Greenland parallels: Key points from Lavrov interview
Footballer facing 7 counts of rape given bail decision
Three-time Premier League winner Benjamin Mendy has been set stringent restrictions while being released on bail ahead of his trial on sexual assault allegations including seven counts of rape.
Jan 7, 2022 15:13
Man City star Cancelo reveals facial scars after ‘cowards’ rob his home
Portugal defender Joao Cancelo has revealed his ordeal after a gang raided his home and beat him while his wife and daughter were in his house in the suburbs of Manchester
Dec 31, 2021 09:47
Manchester City defender Mendy charged with seventh rape
A court has heard that Benjamin Mendy, the Manchester City defender accused of six counts of rape, has been charged with a further offense.
Dec 22, 2021 11:42
Ex-Premier League star ‘had belt put around neck’ in violent home invasion
Former Manchester City defender Nicolas Otamendi has reportedly been the victim of a violent raid in which four thugs broke into his home and placed a belt around his neck while stealing cash and several valuable watches.
Dec 14, 2021 11:35
PSG women’s boss furious after thrashing in game club wanted postponed following horrific iron bar attack on player
The boss of PSG's women's team has voiced his disgust after his side lost their unbeaten record in a 6-1 thrashing – playing against their will after receiving psychiatric support following a shocking attack on one of their stars.
Nov 15, 2021 15:13
Manhunt for suspect ‘in Serbia’ over $35MN raid on London mansion owned by F1 heiress near Russian embassy and Abramovich home
Police are hunting a man accused of a $35 million heist on a mansion belonging to the daughter of ex-F1 Bernie Ecclestone and further raids on two Premier League managers, with reports claiming he is hiding in Belgrade.
Nov 5, 2021 13:28
‘He wanted to make me scared’: Former France teammate of Real Madrid’s Benzema gives evidence as sex tape blackmail trial begins
Real Madrid star Karim Benzema, who could face five years in jail for complicity in blackmail over a sex tape found on a phone, was absent as a court heard him talk about his ex-teammate in a call that had been tapped by police.
Oct 21, 2021 10:24
Thieves accused of stealing Olympic champ’s medals in raid on her home ‘return them with apology, chocolates’ at Moscow checkpoint
A gang of thieves who allegedly stole a Russian Olympic champion's medals in a calculated raid on her home have reportedly returned them less than two weeks later alongside an apology and a box of chocolates.
Sep 25, 2021 11:17
Police launch criminal hooliganism investigation after fans jump fence in stadium in bloody fight over flares during match (VIDEO)
Police are investigating a shocking mass brawl over flares which left people bloodied in the stands at a home game of Ukrainian champions Dynamo Kiev, with the hooligans involved facing up to four years in prison.
Sep 20, 2021 21:23
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White House insiders seek Waltz ouster over Yemen leak – Politico
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From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
Erdogan’s bane: The Turkish president’s most powerful rival is arrested. What now?
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