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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Lavrov comments on talks with US on Ukraine conflict: Live Updates
Global warming
Global elites flying private jets to COP26 climate conference emit more CO2 than hundreds of citizens would in a year – UK media
The bigwigs heading to Scotland for the COP26 climate summit – where they ostensibly aim to help save the planet from greenhouse gases – will generate outsized emissions themselves by employing private jets for the trip.
Oct 31, 2021 22:46
Is the Premier League’s target of a ‘net zero carbon’ game just another virtue-signaling own goal?
On Sunday, Tottenham will host Chelsea in a match they hope will become the first-ever 'net zero carbon' elite-level game – but does the evidence suggest that the attempt is anything but a drop in an ever-rising ocean?
Sep 18, 2021 17:08
At least 21 dead in Tennessee floods as dozens remain missing after torrential rains
At least 21 people have been killed by flooding and dozens are missing in just one Tennessee county after more than 15 inches of rain deluged the central region of the state, trapping some residents in neck-high water.
Aug 22, 2021 19:24
Feeling vindicated, Trump demands China pay $10trn in global Covid-19 reparations, calls Fauci ‘science fiction’
Former President Donald Trump has claimed victory over his critics, saying he was proven right on such issues as China’s role in the Covid-19 pandemic, and he reiterated his demand that the Chinese Communist Party pay reparations.
Jun 10, 2021 19:27
Dutch court orders Shell to cut emissions, showing us who's in charge (Hint: It's not the people or their elected representatives)
Globalism has entered a new phase with a Dutch court's order that oil major Shell accelerate cuts to its carbon-dioxide emissions, setting a troubling precedent for those who favor sovereign nations and accountable government.
May 27, 2021 00:26
Locked-down Londoners seethe after Mayor Khan politicises taxpayer-funded New Year's fireworks with BLM & pro-EU agenda
London Mayor Sadiq Khan surprised locked-down residents with an unannounced New Year's Eve fireworks display, only to spark anger by filling the show with political messaging.
Jan 1, 2021 20:40
Extreme heat dominates headlines, but rollercoaster weather should worry us most – what’s going on?
As parts of Europe enter a second heatwave this summer and battle wildfires to the drumbeat of weather warnings and climate change alarm, other parts of the world look on in envy as they shiver in their summer shorts.
Jul 25, 2019 17:14
Top stories
White House insiders seek Waltz ouster over Yemen leak – Politico
A journalist claims to have been privy to a top secret discussion among Trump’s national security team
Top Stories
Kremlin slams international reaction to Ukraine killing Russian journalists
Kiev ramping up attacks on Russian civilians – senior diplomat
Argentina to release Nazi files
EU ‘contradicting’ US on Ukraine – Lavrov
India and African states to launch joint naval drills
Zelensky announces push to enlist younger men
New Delhi looks to ease trade restrictions on Beijing – media
Something needs to be done to save Germany. €1 trillion of debt is not it
Team Macron’s new pitch: Jihadists are just Russians in disguise
Broken promises and burned pipelines: Why diplomacy with Kiev is a dead end
Boosting firepower: India shifts towards private defense manufacturing
The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
Why has Trump finally pulled the plug on deep state propaganda?
The West lives in a simulation while Russia is shaping the real world
Trial by fire: Why the West won’t admit the truth about the 2014 Odessa massacre
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RT Features
‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
Erdogan’s bane: The Turkish president’s most powerful rival is arrested. What now?
Drones over Russia: Is there an effective defense?
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