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Kiev touts dating prospects to lure men into military | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Kiev touts dating prospects to lure men into military | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Kiev breaking energy ceasefire – Moscow
The biggest sporting shocks and scandals of 2021
From international incidents and Covid fiascos to outrage at the Olympics and Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, here are some of the most shocking stories in sport in 2021.
Dec 25, 2021 18:38
The world-beating Soviet gymnast whose triumph turned to tragedy
In the quiet corner of a Moscow cemetery, a black slab of marble stands surrounded by the December snow
Dec 22, 2021 10:15
Simone Biles is only ‘athlete of the year’ in a deluded woke world – here are some proper alternatives
Fresh off the back of Simone Biles' laughable Athlete of the Year award from Time Magazine, here are some alternatives elsewhere in sport far more deserving of the gong.
Dec 11, 2021 14:11
‘I’m angry at myself’: Olympic gymnastics champ still stunned after being robbed at airport
Olympic champion Anastasia Tatareva has admitted she is struggling to comprehend being robbed at an airport, with thieves stealing cash, an iPad, a MacBook and her passport before fraudulently using her debit card.
Nov 15, 2021 23:48
‘I just let it happen’: Olympic gymnastics champ claims she was pepper-sprayed in racist attack
Olympic gymnastics queen Suni Lee has revealed she was sprayed with pepper and subjected to racial slurs while waiting for an Uber with friends after a night out.
Nov 12, 2021 12:49
‘It’s a nightmare’ – Russian figure skating icon Slutskaya on ‘unusual’ men’s rhythmic gymnastics
Russian former figure skating world champion Irina Slutskaya says it is ‘unusual’ to see male performers ‘who want to be like women’ as she spoke out against men competing in the typically feminine sport of rhythmic gymnastics.
Nov 9, 2021 14:44
‘Grace & charm’: Meet the Russian stars who have dominated at the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Japan (PHOTOS)
Russian talent has been a familiar sight at the top of the podium at the 2021 World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Japan, which come to a close on Sunday. We look at the Russian stars sweeping the board in the team events.
Oct 31, 2021 15:40
Dina Averina breaks legendary Russian gymnast Kanaeva’s gold medal record – & two-time Olympic champ cheers as she watches (VIDEO)
Dina Averina brought the thunder as she danced to AC/DC's hit of that name en route to becoming the most successful rhythmic gymnast of all time, eclipsing fellow Russian Evgeniya Kanaeva's staggering haul of 18 world gold medals.
Oct 30, 2021 12:06
Revered Russian coach accuses Gymnastics Federation chief of having ‘neither conscience nor honor’ after new Averina judging drama
The head coach of the Russian national team has given a furious response after top stars Dina and Arina Averina were involved in more judging drama following their scandal over scoring at the Tokyo Olympics.
Oct 29, 2021 11:45
Top stories
NATO chief triggers confusion over ‘dead’ American troops
The search for the “missing” soldiers is still ongoing after their armored vehicle was found “submerged” in Lithuania, according to the US Army
Top Stories
Russia’s new ambassador makes first statement upon landing in US
Kiev touts dating prospects to lure men into military
Westerners don’t understand Russia – Putin
Zelensky aide demands EU combat troops
Germany’s AfD more popular than ever
EU ‘rearmament’ plan meets resistance over debt concerns – Politico
Moscow backs ceasefire despite Kiev’s breaches – Kremlin
Donald Trump is the furthest thing from the ‘fascist’ his enemies brand him
This gathering showed why global power is shifting to the South
Something needs to be done to save Germany. €1 trillion of debt is not it
Team Macron’s new pitch: Jihadists are just Russians in disguise
Broken promises and burned pipelines: Why diplomacy with Kiev is a dead end
Boosting firepower: India shifts towards private defense manufacturing
The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
Why has Trump finally pulled the plug on deep state propaganda?
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Russia is in favour of ceasefire and Black Sea deal, but with nuances – Lavrov
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RT Features
‘They listened carefully’: Russian senator offers a glimpse into talks with US
‘We rightfully own this land’: Gaza’s residents on Trump’s proposed exodus
‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
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